文教授失踪3个月后,正在调查该病毒的特工 "茉莉", 不小心被其幕后组织活捉,一名头目看上了茉莉欲强迫娶其为妻,并关押在了自己岛屿基地。茉莉必须想办法尽快逃离出来,否则婚礼日很快就要到了 ......
After Professor Wen's missing for 3 months, Agent Molly, who is investigating the case about the virus, had captured by the villians behind all of it.One of the villians had a crush on her when he saw her,locked her in his own island base,and trying to force Molly to marry him.
Molly must try her best to escape from these perverts ......
However,he left you a flashlight to amuse you ......